
Booking enquiry form

Give us some details and one of our team will be back in touch to book you in.

Booking enquiry form

Get in touch

Is there a particular centre you are interested in?
If there is no specific centre or you are not sure, please leave blank.
If applicable, please enter relevant details
How we use your data
The details you provide during the booking process will be used to fulfil your booking. This information includes your name and contact details, which we’ll use to contact you about and facilitate your booking. This may include the personal details of other participants of the booking, which you acknowledge you have permission to share with us. This is held securely for 18 months after your booking, independently of any other data or membership details held by The Scout Association. Where catering or activities are delivered by a third party, relevant data may be shared with the third party to enable them to deliver this service. Personal data is not shared with any other third party. For more information, please see our data protection policy.